To be an effective mobile marketer, first you need to understand why so many consumers prefer text messaging. There are a handful of basic reasons for this:
People appreciate that text messages get sent and received instantly. It gives a feeling of instant connection, almost as if one were in face-to-face conversation with the other person, and any messages received are guaranteed to be written recently; that is, unless they were scheduled in advance, but most average consumers can’t tell the difference.
Most text messages (the effective ones, anyway) are short and to the point. People are constrained to be concise, which means more significant information will be conveyed in fewer words and less time.
Mobile phones are just that: mobile. You can carry them anywhere, and send and receive text messages with minimal interruption to the rest of your daily life.
Low pressure
Sales and marketing messages are particularly effective over text because there’s less pressure. There’s no human component that people have to deal with, so users may take more time to think about their decisions, and that makes them feel more comfortable.
Ideas for Sales and Marketing
Signup Requests
Are you working on building up an email list or getting people to sign up for a free trial of your latest software? If you have any information about your customers’ or prospects’ phone numbers, you can use this to text them the signup information.
Tips and Tricks
Assuming you have a list of active text-message subscribers, you can use MMS messaging as a platform for a miniature content marketing campaign. For example, you could send out short, “tip of the day”-style comments, or weekly tricks related to your industry.
If you don’t have a current list of phone numbers, a contest is a good way to get one. Offer a free product, a special offer, or some other type of giveaway; the key is to permit entry only when a user texts a certain message to your number.
Surveys are best used as follow-ups to a preexisting sale or other customer interaction. You can send these out in an automated fashion, and encourage all your customers to give you their thoughts on your brand. Use this information to improve your business.
As another example of an exclusive incentive for being a text message subscriber, you can send out coupon codes they can use in your online store (or in another application, as you see fit). The coupon itself is up to you.
Tie-Ins With Other Platforms
Finally, you can tie text messaging into your other marketing campaigns. You might text your email subscribers a reminder to check their email for the latest blast, or you could ask new text subscribers to follow your brand on Facebook or Twitter.
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