Having been in the business for over a decade now, we have seen just about every type of Bulk SMS Service, with varying levels of success. The one common denominator between all the strategies employed is that companies who embrace this relatively new (for businesses anyway) communication channel is that they are almost always successful.
Often the first thought when people hear, “business text messaging” is, OH NO, you’re not going to be one of those spammers are you! True, in the past Bulk SMS for businesses usually consisted of getting a big list of mobile numbers and sending them all a spam SMS message! Nowadays though, the law and the savvy UK customer has caught up with these rogue companies and they are virtually non-existent.
Follow up your sales.
Customers like nothing more than to be assured they have made the right choice buying from you. So it's advisible to do some after sales service, this is easier with SMS text messaging. So, Text them X days after the sale thanking them for their business and offering a number to call if they need any help or anything further.For clients that have used this services, they have seen this increase recall rates, increase repeat purchase and hugely increase positive word of mouth amongst peer groups – essentially free advertising.
Keep a customer informed during the order process.
Placing an order usually comes with so many fear and excitements, merchant that's able to update them about order process will give them rest of mind and will naturally be preffered by customers; when compared to others that treat them like every other customers. With ediarosms SMS gateway, this process can be automated. The system will auto send them text when you have received the order, when payment has been taken & when it has been dispatched with a delivery time estimate. This has been proven to dramatically increase repeat orders and positive word of mouth.
Start a text club.
Customers like freebies, but to offer them, you need to get their contacts. You can do this by telling people to a keyword to receive special offers from you by text message.
Text lapsed customers.
Marketing professionals always say that it's easier to to market to an existing customer than search for new ones. To initiate this, try to get a list of customers from your database who haven’t bought for X months (you can get this from your receipts, invoice, coupons, register, website etc) and text them out an offer to encourage them back to you. So long as they had a good experience last time they will surely not mind checking back. This is one of the fastest ways to gain new sales.
Text enable your advertising.
In this 21st century there are advertisements everywhere, this is further compounded by our routine daily busy schedules. So most of the time, if people don't respond to your advert immediately, they tend to forget it. You can simplify this process for them by allowing them to respond by texting you. On average around half of respondents will choose to do so if you include a text response on your advertising and often those people wouldn’t have responded so you increase response rates and ultimately increase return on investment for your advertisements.
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